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# Problem User Verdict Len Date
23569 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185027 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 373 B 2023/01/04 04:25:27
23507 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185041 Accepted (1 ms, 532 KB) C 431 B 2023/01/04 01:44:07
23503 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185041 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 90) C 329 B 2023/01/04 01:39:05
23501 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185041 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 70) C 299 B 2023/01/04 01:35:52
23493 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185041 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 30) C 294 B 2023/01/04 01:27:53
23485 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185013 Accepted (1 ms, 284 KB) C 445 B 2023/01/04 01:19:48
23483 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185013 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 445 B 2023/01/04 01:18:08
23459 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185006 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 395 B 2023/01/04 00:58:52
23448 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185006 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 395 B 2023/01/04 00:48:38
23436 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185049 Accepted (5 ms, 280 KB) C 344 B 2023/01/04 00:39:51
23435 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185006 Wrong Answer (score: 90) C 415 B 2023/01/04 00:37:44
23431 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185006 Wrong Answer (score: 80) C 411 B 2023/01/04 00:36:27
23423 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185006 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 377 B 2023/01/04 00:26:19
23421 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185006 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 379 B 2023/01/04 00:24:02
23360 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185053 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 261 B 2023/01/03 23:35:44
23359 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185015 Accepted (1 ms, 284 KB) C 326 B 2023/01/03 23:35:41
23357 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185015 Wrong Answer (score: 80) C 318 B 2023/01/03 23:34:49
23350 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185015 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 386 B 2023/01/03 23:31:51
23348 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185014 Accepted (2 ms, 284 KB) C 302 B 2023/01/03 23:29:30
23321 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185016 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 353 B 2023/01/03 22:52:59
23319 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185016 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 361 B 2023/01/03 22:48:48
23271 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185004 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 288 B 2023/01/03 21:57:54
23270 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185004 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 275 B 2023/01/03 21:57:20
23251 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185004 Runtime Error (score: 70) C 268 B 2023/01/03 21:48:39
23236 -29 From One Corner to Another 411185042 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 204 B 2023/01/03 21:34:54