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# Problem User Verdict Len Date
5791 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185004 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 60) C 842 B 2022/11/03 15:23:47
5784 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185004 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 60) C 842 B 2022/11/03 15:14:49
5776 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185004 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 60) C 866 B 2022/11/03 15:09:35
5771 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185004 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 914 B 2022/11/03 14:59:43
5765 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185004 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 872 B 2022/11/03 14:53:23
5754 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 410885026 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 596 B 2022/11/03 14:31:37
5749 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 410885026 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 551 B 2022/11/03 14:23:12
5748 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 410885026 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 550 B 2022/11/03 14:22:29
5742 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 410885026 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 538 B 2022/11/03 14:18:05
5393 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185025 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 721 B 2022/11/02 20:49:56
5392 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185025 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 722 B 2022/11/02 20:48:33
5389 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185025 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 633 B 2022/11/02 20:42:38
5386 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185025 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 883 B 2022/11/02 20:36:40
5385 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185025 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 881 B 2022/11/02 20:35:04
4674 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185008 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 875 B 2022/10/27 21:02:08
4657 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185049 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 845 B 2022/10/27 18:12:35
4656 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185008 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 875 B 2022/10/27 17:46:07
4635 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185008 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 845 B 2022/10/27 17:04:17
4634 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185008 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 778 B 2022/10/27 17:02:42
4547 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185043 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 686 B 2022/10/27 14:39:20
4545 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185043 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 678 B 2022/10/27 14:38:29
4543 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185043 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 677 B 2022/10/27 14:37:34
4506 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185038 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 772 B 2022/10/27 13:51:52
4496 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185038 Runtime Error (score: 60) C 706 B 2022/10/27 13:49:11
4489 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits 411185038 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 60) C 883 B 2022/10/27 13:47:24