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# Problem User Verdict Len Date
17254 21 Power of Cryptography 410978011 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 188 B 2022/12/07 21:07:50
17252 21 Power of Cryptography 410978011 Compilation Error C 142 B 2022/12/07 21:07:29
17228 21 Power of Cryptography 410978011 Wrong Answer (score: 40) C 172 B 2022/12/07 20:54:16
16986 21 Power of Cryptography 410887049 Wrong Answer (score: 40) C 182 B 2022/12/07 14:26:49
16985 21 Power of Cryptography 410887049 Compilation Error C 186 B 2022/12/07 14:26:35
16630 21 Power of Cryptography 411185047 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 169 B 2022/12/06 16:54:35
16628 21 Power of Cryptography 411185047 Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 201 B 2022/12/06 16:44:09
16626 21 Power of Cryptography 411185047 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 178 B 2022/12/06 16:41:28
16518 21 Power of Cryptography 411185052 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 160 B 2022/12/06 08:53:26
16517 21 Power of Cryptography 411185052 Accepted (1 ms, 284 KB) C 151 B 2022/12/06 08:52:08
16516 21 Power of Cryptography 411185052 Compilation Error C 2 KB 2022/12/06 08:48:50
16515 21 Power of Cryptography 411185052 Compilation Error C 334 B 2022/12/06 08:42:56
16514 21 Power of Cryptography 411185052 Compilation Error C 165 B 2022/12/06 08:39:08
16499 21 Power of Cryptography 411185036 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 176 B 2022/12/06 01:54:03
16241 21 Power of Cryptography 410973132 Accepted (1 ms, 284 KB) C 144 B 2022/12/04 23:53:31
16029 21 Power of Cryptography 411185054 Accepted (1 ms, 300 KB) C 176 B 2022/12/03 22:32:03
15935 21 Power of Cryptography 411185009 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 154 B 2022/12/03 01:46:32
15625 21 Power of Cryptography 411078027 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 215 B 2022/12/01 15:58:55
15622 21 Power of Cryptography 411078027 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 0) C 336 B 2022/12/01 15:54:46
15530 21 Power of Cryptography 411078027 Time Limit Exceeded (score: 40) C 323 B 2022/12/01 13:47:47
15429 21 Power of Cryptography 411185014 Accepted (2 ms, 284 KB) C 201 B 2022/12/01 00:40:40
15428 21 Power of Cryptography 411185014 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 203 B 2022/12/01 00:39:31
15427 21 Power of Cryptography 411185014 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 199 B 2022/12/01 00:38:44
15426 21 Power of Cryptography 411185014 Wrong Answer (score: 40) C 197 B 2022/12/01 00:37:52
14709 21 Power of Cryptography 411185032 Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 244 B 2022/11/26 21:40:46