


Class 1






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  • Last login 2024/11/28 18:13:56

Recent Submission

# Problem User Verdict Len Date
92701 -10 Power 411385047 Accepted (23 ms, 580 KB) C 277 B 2024/11/28 13:26:56
92699 -9 Score of an Integer 411385047 Accepted (16 ms, 680 KB) C 728 B 2024/11/28 13:15:50
92670 -241 Origin in Quadrilateral 411385047 Accepted (17 ms, 584 KB) C 951 B 2024/11/28 11:43:56
92635 152 矩陣加法 411385047 Accepted (19 ms, 584 KB) C 1 KB 2024/11/28 11:14:44
92629 152 矩陣加法 411385047 Wrong Answer (score: 50) C 1 KB 2024/11/28 11:11:56
92624 152 矩陣加法 411385047 Wrong Answer (score: 50) C 2 KB 2024/11/28 11:08:46
92607 152 矩陣加法 411385047 Wrong Answer (score: 50) C 1 KB 2024/11/28 11:01:09
92602 152 矩陣加法 411385047 Wrong Answer (score: 50) C 1 KB 2024/11/28 10:58:56
92560 -8 Triangle Length 411385047 Accepted (23 ms, 580 KB) C 301 B 2024/11/28 10:27:22
92537 -7 3, 5, and 7 411385047 Accepted (18 ms, 656 KB) C 288 B 2024/11/27 21:48:19
92536 -7 3, 5, and 7 411385047 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 290 B 2024/11/27 21:47:29
92535 -283 Chicken, Rabbit, and Crab in a Cage 411385047 Accepted (24 ms, 580 KB) C 395 B 2024/11/27 21:45:13
92534 -27 Surface Area and Volume of a Box 411385047 Accepted (20 ms, 580 KB) C 625 B 2024/11/27 21:37:06
92533 -27 Surface Area and Volume of a Box 411385047 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 644 B 2024/11/27 21:31:31
92528 -6 Print Three Digits 411385047 Accepted (23 ms, 584 KB) C 362 B 2024/11/27 20:25:39
92500 150 第幾象限 411385047 Accepted (19 ms, 580 KB) C 638 B 2024/11/27 16:00:40
92499 151 學生成績統計 411385047 Accepted (23 ms, 580 KB) C 773 B 2024/11/27 15:51:26
92497 151 學生成績統計 411385047 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 718 B 2024/11/27 15:48:42
92493 -230 The Knapsack 411385047 Accepted (24 ms, 752 KB) C 1 KB 2024/11/27 15:31:20
92492 -58 Lakes 411385047 Accepted (65 ms, 4 MB) C 2 KB 2024/11/27 15:12:26