








  • ::ffff:
  • Last login 2022/12/15 23:33:38


Solved List
-234 -99 13 27 40 54 55 58 62 63 72 80 83 87 89 92 98

Recent Submission

# Problem User Verdict Len Date
18831 -72 Fill the Array fatbrother Compilation Error * 461 B 2022/12/15 23:41:47
18828 -72 Fill the Array fatbrother Compilation Error * 468 B 2022/12/15 23:37:28
18826 -72 Fill the Array fatbrother Compilation Error * 434 B 2022/12/15 23:34:26
15737 -234 Factorization fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 1 KB 2022/12/01 21:38:12
13376 87 找最少矩陣純量乘法個數 fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 687 B 2022/11/17 22:16:04
13363 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 787 B 2022/11/17 21:43:01
13362 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 860 B 2022/11/17 21:41:44
13360 63 [ CPE ] Product of Digits fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 831 B 2022/11/17 21:41:09
13301 89 矩陣相乘 fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 762 B 2022/11/17 20:15:33
13295 58 數列循環 fatbrother Accepted (135 ms, 300 KB) C 575 B 2022/11/17 20:08:28
13290 13 怪獸數列 fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 705 B 2022/11/17 20:03:57
13274 98 Move Zero fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 284 KB) C 386 B 2022/11/17 19:39:35
13273 98 Move Zero fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 552 B 2022/11/17 19:39:14
13272 98 Move Zero fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 540 B 2022/11/17 19:38:15
13270 98 Move Zero fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 60) C 611 B 2022/11/17 19:35:22
13269 98 Move Zero fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 80) C 472 B 2022/11/17 19:34:24
13268 98 Move Zero fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 80) C 416 B 2022/11/17 19:33:30
13265 98 Move Zero fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 411 B 2022/11/17 19:32:29
13262 54 質數進階題 fatbrother Accepted (1 ms, 280 KB) C 1 KB 2022/11/17 19:25:23
13261 54 質數進階題 fatbrother Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 1 KB 2022/11/17 19:24:33