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# Problem User Verdict Len Date
97150 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385022 Accepted (18 ms, 324 KB) C 261 B 2024/12/19 13:28:05
96739 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385010 Accepted (13 ms, 324 KB) C 277 B 2024/12/18 20:56:59
96642 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411278025 Accepted (16 ms, 324 KB) C 248 B 2024/12/18 16:34:47
96615 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411077046 Accepted (22 ms, 324 KB) C 262 B 2024/12/18 14:36:44
96599 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411077046 Accepted (22 ms, 324 KB) C 281 B 2024/12/18 13:54:00
96499 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411187026 Accepted (20 ms, 324 KB) C 219 B 2024/12/18 01:03:32
96482 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411187021 Accepted (22 ms, 328 KB) C 281 B 2024/12/18 00:17:08
96480 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411187021 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 302 B 2024/12/18 00:13:35
96479 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411187021 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 294 B 2024/12/18 00:13:00
96478 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411187021 Wrong Answer (score: 0) C 288 B 2024/12/18 00:12:18
96014 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Accepted (19 ms, 324 KB) C 200 B 2024/12/16 22:34:51
96013 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Compilation Error C 204 B 2024/12/16 22:34:18
95819 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385049 Accepted (23 ms, 324 KB) C 203 B 2024/12/14 21:46:03
95445 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385036 Accepted (16 ms, 324 KB) C 215 B 2024/12/13 01:13:49
95442 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411072059 Accepted (21 ms, 324 KB) C 459 B 2024/12/13 00:34:25
95290 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Accepted (16 ms, 328 KB) C 200 B 2024/12/12 15:50:37
95229 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385059 Accepted (22 ms, 324 KB) C 204 B 2024/12/12 15:18:39
95197 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385013 Accepted (19 ms, 328 KB) C 280 B 2024/12/12 14:53:20
95150 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Accepted (22 ms, 324 KB) C 217 B 2024/12/12 14:12:32
95141 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Accepted (20 ms, 324 KB) C 217 B 2024/12/12 13:58:40
95140 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Accepted (20 ms, 324 KB) C 217 B 2024/12/12 13:58:28
95139 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Compilation Error C 214 B 2024/12/12 13:58:04
94971 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Runtime Error (score: 0) C 223 B 2024/12/12 10:41:42
94970 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411285067 Compilation Error C 219 B 2024/12/12 10:41:21
94957 -28 Sum of Squares with Recursion 411385030 Accepted (19 ms, 324 KB) C 303 B 2024/12/12 10:27:39