-271. Multiply Polynomials

I'm a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.

題目來源:judgegirl from ntu prof. pangfeng Liu

Task Description

Write a program to multiply two polynomials. We will represent a polynomial by a sequence of its coefficients. For example, we will use to represent , and for .


The number of coefficients in a polynomial is no more than 100. The coefficients are positive and no more than 100.


There are four lines in the input. The first line is a positive integer , the number of coefficients of the first polynomial . The second line has integers for the coefficients of the second polynomial . Similarly, the third line and fourth line are for the second polynomial.


The output is the coefficients of the product of the two input polynomials .

Sample input

1 2 3
4 5 6 7

Sample output

4 13 28 34 32 21



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